Handstands Workshop

Dates: February 10th, 2024

Location: Online and in person @ Center Studio, Cville, VA

Address: 961 2nd St SE, Suite 306, Charlottesville, VA 22903

Dive into the world of Ashtanga Yoga with our specialized handstand workshop, available both in-person and online via Zoom! Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned yogi, our experienced instructors will guide you through the techniques needed for a stable and confident handstand. Enhance your strength, balance, and focus in a supportive environment. Elevate your practice and experience the exhilarating freedom of handstands. Join us from anywhere in the world and turn your yoga world upside down in a truly interactive and immersive experience!


Saturday, Febryuary 10th, 2024

9:00am - 11:00am EST

Mysore Class
With Daria Ralko & Kendra Moon
Experience the traditional Mysore style of Ashtanga Yoga in our morning class. This self-paced session allows you to practice at your own rhythm under expert guidance, making it ideal for all levels. It's a perfect opportunity to deepen your practice, with personalized adjustments and a focus on individual progress in a serene, supportive environment.

11:00am - 11:30am EST

Complimentary refreshment drinks and snacks included.

11:30am - 02:00pm EST

Handstands Workshop
With Daria Ralko & Kendra Moon
Explore the dynamic world of inversions in our focused Ashtanga Yoga workshop. We'll delve into key poses such as Sirsasana (Headstand), Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Stand), Karandavasana (Duck Pose), and the classic Handstand. This session is designed to enhance your understanding of balance and strength in inversions, offering techniques and tips for each pose. It's an opportunity to deepen your practice and discover the stability and focus required for these challenging asanas. Join us for a journey of strength and equilibrium.


Daria Ralko

Daria Ralko, an accomplished former professional ballroom dancer, transitioned to Ashtanga Yoga in 2019, establishing her practice in Miami, Florida. She earned her 200-hour certification at the Miami Life Center in 2020, and furthered her expertise with a 300-hour course under notable instructors including Kino MacGregor, Tim Feldmann, and others. Daria's relentless pursuit of knowledge in yoga, covering aspects like asana, philosophy, and pranayama, has been enriched by learning from global experts. As a dedicated teacher, she offers both online and in-person classes worldwide, leveraging her extensive training to inspire diverse communities.

Kendra Moon

Kendra, a mother and full-time engineer, has been an avid yoga practitioner since 2012, with a focus on Ashtanga yoga since 2018. She believes in the essential role of spiritual disciplines like yoga for holistic well-being and emphasizes self-accountability for personal growth. Kendra, realistic about the challenges of self-improvement, fosters an environment of constructive habit development in her teaching. She brings over 800 hours of diverse yoga training, including 500 hours in Ashtanga, to her classes at places like Ivy Yoga School and Miami Life Center, where she offers a tranquil, observant teaching approach.


Center Studio
961 2nd St SE, Suite 306, Charlottesville, VA 22903

Center Studio, situated in the heart of the IX building, is a welcoming space for movement teachers and small groups. Ample parking is available for convenience. To find us, simply look for our sign between Studio IX and Habitat For Humanity, and follow the interior signage.

The studio is thoughtfully designed with a professional sprung subfloor, Harlequin Flexity, ensuring a comfortable experience. It features two bathrooms and provides accessible entry with ramps leading into the building and onto the floor, accommodating everyone's needs.