Ashtanga Blog

The Yoga Ban in Alabama

Imagine a world where stretching your arms skyward in a sun salutation could land you in hot water with the law. In Alabama, this wasn't just imagination—it was reality. For nearly three decades, the Heart of Dixie held a peculiar distinction: it was the only state in the U.S. where practicing yoga in public schools was illegal. From 1993 to 2021, downward-facing dog was as outlawed as a game of Russian roulette in Alabama's educational institutions. The ban, born from fears of Eastern mysticism infiltrating young minds, sparked a yoga rebellion stretching across generations. This is the story of how the warrior pose became an act of defiance and how a simple breath eventually toppled a unique legal barrier in the Deep South.

7 September, 2024 • 3 min

10 Steps to Establish a Home Daily Mysore-Style Ashtanga Yoga Practice

Creating a home Mysore practice brings the transformative power of Ashtanga yoga into your daily life. By establishing a dedicated space, consistent routine, and navigating challenges, you can cultivate a rich personal practice. Whether practicing solo or joining a virtual shala, approach your mat with discipline and compassion. Remember, the journey is in the practice itself, not perfection.

27 June, 2024 • 2 min

Finding motivation for your Ashtanga practice

Are you finding it difficult to maintain your Ashtanga yoga practice amidst life's challenges and mental health struggles? You're not alone. Many practitioners experience these ebbs and flows. How can you embrace discipline when motivation wanes? What small, achievable goals can help you stay consistent? Can the power of community and Mysore style classes reignite your passion? Discover how acceptance, self-compassion, and reflecting on your initial connection to Ashtanga can bring you back to the mat with renewed purpose and joy.

17 June, 2024 • 3 min

Review: Best Travel Yoga Mats for Ashtanga

Traveling ashtangis, especially those who sweat a lot during practice, know the struggle of finding the perfect mat. Discover the best options that offer excellent grip when wet, are lightweight, and fold easily for ultimate portability. Dive into our full article to find the ideal travel yoga mat that ensures a non-slip experience and meets your on-the-go needs.

15 June, 2024 • 3 min

The Mysore Room: A Sacred Space for Self-Discovery

The Mysore room is a sanctuary where practitioners can delve deeper into their practice and connect with their inner selves. It's a place where you can leave your ego at the door and focus solely on your personal yoga journey, reminding us that we are all seekers of truth and meaning in our lives.

8 June, 2024 • 4 min

Cross-Pollination in Yoga: Navigating Cultural Exchange and Authenticity

The cross-pollination of yoga, a beautiful dance of cultural exchange, invites us to navigate the complex tapestry of tradition, adaptation, and respect. As this ancient practice, born in the heart of India, traverses the globe, it weaves itself into the lives of countless individuals, each seeking a touch of its transformative magic, becoming a shapeshifter that molds itself to the needs and desires of diverse communities.

30 May, 2024 • 2 min

Ashtanga Yoga: A Tradition of Change, Not Strictness

Contrary to popular belief, Ashtanga Yoga is not a rigid, unchanging practice. This dynamic tradition, popularized by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, has evolved over time, incorporating elements from various sources, including Western gymnastics. The notion of a "pure" and inflexible form of Ashtanga Yoga is a myth, as even Jois himself made modifications to the series throughout his lifetime. Embracing the inherent flexibility within the practice allows practitioners to experience its true essence, free from the constraints of dogma.

30 May, 2024 • 3 min

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